Our daylight savings time change was this Sunday morning (as opposed to two weeks ago in the US) - lucky us, we got to change all of our clocks twice in one spring!
I just figured out how to change the digital clocks on the two kitchen ovens yesterday. You'd think it would be obvious, but you'd never guess which button below you need to push to change the time..
Any guess which button? |
Push both the arrow and the 3 squiggly lines together and then you can change the time with the "+" or "-"...easy! |
Another interesting note about above oven - it can bake, microwave...and grill?? I've used the baking and microwave features, but I'm going to have to find the English version of the manual online to truly figure out how this little baby can possible "grill"!
Sticking with the kitchen - how about these cool cutlery drawers in the kitchen? At first we had no idea where all of the silverware was supposed to go - none of the drawers made sense - and then I found these little things that pulled out right under the countertop!
Pretty cool! A place for everything and everything in its place!
If you were wondering why all of the kitchen gadgets are red...
The cutlery drawers are hiding there to the right of the sink. No upper cabinets - everything is stored below!
Now that I figured out the oven - decided it was time to bake some cookies! Back to the store for ingredients - I swear those clerks must think all I do is eat...I'm always there! Flour, sugar, powdered sugar, butter, eggs and lemon are easy...but I had to go to a specialty grocer for the baking powder (in something larger than a packet), baking soda and some version of vanilla for these "lemon crinkle cookies".
Baking soda, baking powder, sugar, flour and powdered sugar!
My "butter-vanilla" vanilla - I figured one vial would be close enough to 1 teaspoon! |
The final product! Not bad.... |
Now, what am I going to make those boys when they show up in a few days???