Welcome to my new blog..."Ich komme aus USA" - Adventures of an American Expat in Zurich! For those of you who have forgotten (or never took) German in high school, the title means "I come from the USA." I really wanted to name it "Swiss Mrs." but that was already taken...as were lots of the other names I checked out. It reminded me of how we ended up with the email address "irishirish5" after entering all kinds of combinations of things with "irish"...but that has served us well lo these many years, so I'm thinking this should work out too! As I write this, the movers are just about finished packing up our boat shipment...so I guess this is really going to happen! This move is so different from our move to Tokyo...keeping our house...and leaving our children! But it should be awesome! Please follow along on our adventure...and be sure to visit!!!
Some "before and after" shots...
Just some of the beds, chairs, etc. that are going on the boat. This was picture was taken before the room really filled up! |
Our new bedding...can't wait! |
I love these cool map drawings we ordered on Etsy - you can't see from the photo, but they are (L-R) New York City (taupe), Milwaukee (purple), and Tokyo (navy). You can order any city you want! Check them out at jennasuemaps.etsy.com! |
Almost done - up to 94 boxes/items! |
All in!!! See you in Zurich! |
Yea! Good work, Umi! I think the guard kitty needs a good Swiss name...Klosters? Berne(Bernie?) :)