(One of) the great thing(s) about Macbooks is that you can take them into the Genius Bar at the Apple Store and get them to fix your problem for free...so much better, easier, cheaper, etc. than calling a random PC repair guy who is hard enough to find in the US, much less in Switzerland! That is, as long as you have an Apple Store to go to... Fortunately, we have an Apple Store minutes away on Bahnhofstrasse...and also fortunate for me, I was able to quickly get an appointment! As it turns out, my Mac was one of 700,000 Macs in the world that was infected with a particular malware via visits to hacked Wordpress blogs - see "Trojan Used Hacked Wordpress Sites to Carry Out Mass Mac Infections". My Swiss Apple Genius Man quickly cleaned out the malware...and then cleaned my screen, keyboard and case to make them bright, shiny and new again...good as new, in more ways than one!! Take that, upc cablecom!
And by the way..."you're welcome" for being on Blogger instead of Wordpress :)
2. Speaking of garbage...did you know we have special garbage bags here in Zürich? Garbage will only be removed on garbage days in special "Züri-sacks." Not only is it inconvenient (you can't just throw any old bag full of junk into the garbage cart)...it's expensive! Each 35L Züri-sack is about 2 CHF - or over $2 for 35L of garbage...your average "tall kitchen bag" in the US is 13 gallons or almost 50L.
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A ZüriSack on its way out to the garbage cart. |
That's why we Swiss are good recyclers...taking our green, brown and clear glass; aluminum, and oil to the neighborhood recycling center (I'm still searching for the PET recycling area that I'm told exists at every grocery store) and bundling up our newspapers (every other week) and cardboard (once a month). Just be sure you know WHEN to take your glass down the street - recycling is only between the hours of 7 am and 7 pm - don't want to disturb the neighbors while we're saving the environment...and never on Sundays or holidays! :)
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This is for green glass... |
The metal one is over-flowing...a few too many Feldschossen cans I think... |
The little soldiers ready and waiting (until 7 pm) |
I really just added this because I wanted to translate what it says for myself According to Google Translate I think this one is for the bags you bring your recyclables in... but don't quote me! |
3. Speaking of Sundays...if you recall, nothing is open on Sundays. It is supposed to be a family day, a day of rest, etc., etc. I thought I read somewhere that you aren't supposed to do any work on Sunday - including laundry, cleaning, etc. I usually end up doing laundry on Sunday because...what else is there to do?? I figure our washing machine and dryer are up on the second floor of our apartment, so there is one floor "cushion" between the laundry noises and the apartment below us...don't want to cause any problems. But then who should I meet on my way out of the building on Sunday afternoon but our Swiss neighbor/landlady on the way down to the building laundry room with a load of laundry! Guess maybe it isn't a problem after all...now if she could just get the stores to open on Sunday!
4. Speaking of the apartment building inhabitants...you're all probably wondering why I haven't posted any photos of my buddy, "Fritz" lately...well, we're wondering too! We haven't seen ol' Fritz since Easter weekend...and we're too scared to ask.
I miss my little feline friend :(
Oh no!!! now I am worried about Fritz, too!!! Thanks for not infecting my computer with malware, good to know how "you Swiss" (what the heck?!?!?!?) Recycle. You know, you read "no work on Sunday" in the BIble, yes? :) love you, me