Monday, March 26, 2012

The Fernsehen "Situation"

"Fernsehen" is German for television (or 'to watch television'). If you recall from an earlier post, we had a very positive initial experience with "Fernsehen" when we found "The Proposal" the first English!  The fun was short lived.  Although we have found many US shows broadcast on our basic cable (lots of "House", "Grey's Anatomy"...must like medical shows...), most tend to be only in dual language ability.  However the occasional "Cold Case", "CSI" or "Blue Bloods" (I guess they like cop shows too!) have shown up in English...and on Saturday night..."Gossip Girl"!!  I knew there was a reason I didn't watch those shows when they were originally broadcast...they're now new to me!  (kind of like "Dallas" for those of you who used to watch Fox in Wendy said, can't remember anymore who shot JR, so it's all new to me!)  However, thank goodness, the Swiss have all the exposure they need to real American culture..."Jersey Shore" is on almost every night.  Interestingly enough, it only has German subtitles, the English (or whatever you call what they speak) audio is still the original...must be too hard to dub.  I think I'll continue to say I'm from New York rather than Jersey....

In case you're wondering it says:  "I said: 'Sure, why not?'"


  1. watch tv on your computer.

    1. Unfortunately I believe hulu doesn't work outside the states. I did look into that ahead of time. We do have slingbox on our computer that is connected to a dvr at home - but right now it isn't working (need to get Patrick on that!) we CAN watch things from home...but using the remote via the computer is more painful than watching paint dry...

  2. I double dog dare you to dress up like Snooki and walk into the Swiss bank! Love the blog, looking forward to following your adventure. May your toilet never attack you and your tacos never be takos.


    1. Thanks Wendy! I'll think about the Snooki idea...would that be "old" Snooki or the new pregnant Snooki you are suggesting?? Now if I could only stop wanting to say "daijobu desu" all of the time....
